
Professional Gatherings

During the project, the Center for International Theatre Development will bring over a dozen Russian theatre professionals to the US to participate in a series of professional gatherings and a professional conference dedicated to new Russian drama. The professional gatherings include The Humana Festival of New Plays, The TCG Annual Conference, Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas annual conference, Association of Theatre in Higher Education annual conference and a series of events developed with the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center at CUNY, focusing on the new Russian drama. The CITD conference with key Russians in the field and their US counterparts, will be held in Baltimore 7–9 May at Towson University, showcasing contemporary Russian dramatists in new American English translations, with the Towson University productions of:

Tanya-Tanya by Olga Mukhina
Martial Arts by Yury Klavdiev
Frozen in Time by Vyacheslav Durnenkov

Philip Arnoult and Kate Moira Ryan in discussion at a reading of her adaptation of Tanya-Tanya by Olga Mukhina.
May 2009