Since the majority of students taking General Chemistry at Towson are biology majors, we have decided to incorporate as much of a biological flavor to our problems as possible. For your convenience, we have categorized the questions below. The topics shown to have links contain completed questions. The number of questions in each category is shown in parenthesis. More will be added as they are completed.

List of Categories for ConcepTests

  1. Measurements
  2. -- includes Units (3), Handling Exponents (2), and Density (1)
  3. Atoms, Nuclear Rxns, Molecules & Ions
  4. -- includes Atoms, Molecules, Elements, Compounds (3) and Atomic Structure (1)
  5. Chemical Nomenclature
  6. -- includes Naming Oxyacids (1)
  7. Formulas, Moles, MW & Writing Equations
  8. -- includes Writing & Balancing Chemical Equations (1), Formulas & Moles (2), Mole Concept (6), Molar Mass (1), Formula & % Mass (3), and Limiting Reactant (4)
  9. Rxns in Aqueous Solutions
  10. -- inlcludes Identifying Types of Reactions (1), Acid Base Reactions (1), and Redox Reactions (6)
  11. Periodicity
  12. -- includes Atomic Size (1)
  13. Atomic Structure, Spectroscopy
  14. -- includes Electron Configurations (2), High Energy Bonds and Energy Diagrams (1), Energy Diagrams and Wave Properties (4)
  15. Ionic Bonds, Octet Rule
  16. -- includes Ions (5), Octet Rule (3), and How Many & Which Ions Are Present (8)
  17. Covalent Bonds & Molecular Structure
  18. -- includes Covalent Bonds & Molecular Structure (1) , Hybridization (2), Bonding (2), and Resonance Structures (2), Polarity (3)
  19. Thermochemistry
  20. -- includes Enthalpy (6)
  21. Gases
  22. includes Barometers (1) and Ideal Gas Law (1)
  23. Liquid, Solids, Phase Changes & Intermolecular Forces -- includes Osmosis (7), Melting Points & Boiling Points (3), Solubility (2), Physical Properties (3)
  24. Solutions
  25. Advanced Redox Equations & Titrations
  26. Chemical Kinetics, Radioactive Decay Rates
  27. -- includes Instantaneous Rates (2), Rate Laws (2), Partial Orders (2), Radioactive Decay (1)
  28. Chemical Equilibrium
  29. -- includes Chemical Equilibrium (1), LeChatelier's Principle #1 (1), LeChatelier's Principle#2 (2), LeChatelier's Principle#3 (1)
  30. Aqueous Equilibria: Acids, Bases
  31. -- includes pH (3), H3O+/OH- Concentration#1 (2), H3O+/OH- Concentration#2 (3), Acid/Base Strength (3)
  32. Aqueous Equilibria: Titrations, Buffers
  33. Aqueous Equilibria: Solubility, Ksp
  34. Thermodynamics: Entropy, Free E, Equilibria
  35. Electrochemistry