Election 2008
Two maps are posted below. Both try to predict which way the 2008 presidential election will go.
The first map assumes that every state that voted for the Republican candidate (George W. Bush) in 2004 will vote for John McCain in 2008. Likewise, it is assumed that every state that voted for the 2004 Democratic candidate (John Kerry) will vote for Barak Obama.
Prediction for 2008 based on results from 2004

This second map uses polling results from before 10-22-08 to assign states into one of five categories: 1)strong Obama support 2) leaning towards Obama 3) Too close to call 4)leaning towards McCain 5)strong McCain support. Please note that polling in the last couple of days have indicated that this race is even closer that these maps suggest!
Prediction for 2008 based on polling results (as of 10-22-08)