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Talks and Presentations
- Innovative Pedagogical Approaches to a Capstone Laboratory Course in Cyber Operations (.pdf); (.pptx)
- Using Mathematics to Catch Criminals (.pdf), American Statistical Association, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, February 2015.
- CIO Forum Briefing, (.pptx), April 2014.
- Small Scale Cyber Security Competitions, Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education, Orlando, FL, June 2012. (.pdf)
- Models for Offender Target Location Selection with Explicit Dependency Structures, Quantitative Methods in Defense and National Security 2012, Fairfax, VA April 30 - May 1, 2012. (.pdf)
- Patterns in Offender Distance Decay and the Geographic Profiling Problem, MAPS Conference, Miami, FL, October 2011. (.pdf)
- A New Software Prototype for Geographic Profiling , MAPS Conference, Miami, FL, October 2011. (.pdf)
- Applying Mathematics.... to catch criminals Randolph Macon College, September 2011.
- Patterns in Offender Distance Decay and the Geographic Profiling Problem, AMS-MAA Joint Meetings, New Orlans, LA, January 2011.
- Patterns in Offender Distance Decay and the Geographic Profiling Problem, 2010 Fall Western Section Meeting of the AMS, Los Angeles, CA, October 2010. (.pdf)
- Implementing a Bayesian Approach for the Geographic Profiling Problem, The First International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Applications (COM.Geo 2010) Washington, DC, June 2010. (.pdf)
- New Approaches for the Geographic Profiling Problem, The NIJ Conference, Arlington VA, June 2010 (.pdf)
- Modeling Distance Decay for the Geographic Profiling Problem, Geospatial Technical Working Group, Portland OR, April 2010. (.pdf)
- Searching for the Home Base of a Serial Criminal, AMS-MAA Joint Meetings, San Francisco, CA, January 2010
- Mathematical models for geographic profiling problem, UCLA Applied Mathematics Colloquium, November 2009 (.pdf)
- A new software tool for geographic profiling problem, The Tenth Crime Mapping Conference, New Orleans LA, August 2009
- A new software tool for geographic profiling, The NIJ Conference, Arlington VA, June 2009
- Mathematical models for the geographic profiling problem, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University, March 2009 (.pdf)
- Mathematical models for the geographic profiling problem, Georgetown University Mathematics Department Colloquium, March 2009 (.pdf)
- Determining the Optimal Search Area for a Serial Criminal, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington DC, January 2009 (.pdf)
- A Diffusion Model in Population Genetics with Mutation and Dynamic Fitness, Vanderbilt University PDE Seminar, November 2008 (.pdf)
- Advances in Geographic Profiling 31st Applied Geography Conference, Wilmington DE, October 2008 (.pdf)
- Determining the Optimal Search Area for a Serial Criminal INFORMS National Meeting, Washington DC, October 2008 (.pdf)
- Using Mathematics to Catch Criminal Stevenson University Kappa Mu Epsilon Meeting, September 2008 (.pdf)
- The Mathematics of Geographic Profiling, The NIJ Conference, Arlington VA, July 2008 (.pdf)
- A Diffusion Model in Population Genetics with Mutation and Dynamic Fitness, World Conference on Nonlinear Analysis, Orlando, July 2008 (.pdf)
- A Diffusion Model in Population Genetics with Mutation and Dynamic Fitness, Sixth International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Baltimore, May 2008. (.pdf)
- The Mathematics of Geographic Profiling, Spring Meeting, Geospatial Technology Working Group, New Orleans, April 2008. (.pdf)
- The Mathematics of Geographic Profiling, Center for Army Analysis, Fort Belvoir, April 2008 (.pdf)
- Starting and Maintaining a Student Industrial Research Program in the Mathematical Sciences, (Panel Discussion with Tim Hsu, Bob Borrelli and Michael Raugh), MathFest, San Jose, August 2007.
- The Mathematics of Geographic Profiling, Baltimore County Police Department, Towson MD, June 2007 (.pdf)
- The Mathematics of Geographic Profiling, Ninth Crime Mapping Research Conference, Pittsburgh PA, March 28-31 2007 (.pdf) (Conference)
- MAISA Workshops on Computer Security, Towson University, February - May 2007.
- The Mathematics of Geographic Profiling, Crime Hot Spots: Behavioral, Computational and Mathematical Models, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, January 29 - February 2, 2007. (.pdf) (Conference)
- Web Security, Eighth Session of the Information Security Discussion Series, Social Security Administration, Baltimore MD, August 2006. (.odp)
- A New Mathematical Technique for Geographic Profiling, The NIJ Conference, Washington D.C., July 2006. (.odp) (.pdf)
- Undergraduate Research and Civi Engagement: A Tale of Two Programs, CUR 2006 National Conference, DePauw University, June 2006. [with J. Wolfson] (.sxi)
- Determining the Optimal Search Area for a Serial Criminal, Modeling and Simulation Technical Working Group, National Institute of Justice, Jersey City, March 2006. (.pdf)
- A Laboratory Based Capstone Course in Computer Security for Undergraduates, SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Houston, March 2006. (.sxi)
- Go With the Flow, Joint National Meetings, San Antonio, January 2006.
- Operating Systems Security, MAISA Workshop, June 2005. [3 days][with S. Azadegan]
- Application Software Security, MAISA Workshop, June 2005. [2 days][with S. Azadegan]
- An Interdisciplinary Approach to Scientific Modeling and Simulation, 6th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Towson, May 2005.
- A Mesoscale Diffusion Model in Population Genetics with Dynamic Fitness, Seminar, Towson University, April 2005. (.pdf)
- "Optimum" Strategies for Information Security, Seminar, Towson Univeristy, October 2004. (.sxi)
- Conditions for the Local Boundedness of Solutions to the Navier-Stokes System in Three Dimensions, 996th Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, April 2004. (.pdf)
- The Towson University Applied Mathematics Laboratory, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Phoenix, January 2004. (.pdf)
- A Course in Scientific Simulation, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Phoenix, January 2004. [Poster Session] (.ppt)
- Developing Demonstrations and Simulations using Microsoft Visual C++, International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, (ICTCM 16), Rosemont IL, November 2003. (.ppt)
- An Undergraduate Track in Computer Security, Third Annual World Conference on Information Security (WISE 3), Monterey, June 2003.
- Using Epidemiological Models to Analyze the Spread of Computer Viruses, Seminar, Montclair State University, March 2003. (.ppt)
- Developing Computer Simulations Using Object-Oriented Programming. The Three-Body Problem: A Case Study, International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 15), Orlando, November 2002. (.ppt)
- Conditions for the Local Regularity of Solutions to the Navier-Stokes System, Seminar, Towson University, October 2002.
- A Course in Scientific Modeling and Simulation, NSF DUE Projects in Mathematics, Arlington, March 2002. [Poster Session]
- Modeling and Simulating the Double Pendulum, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, January 2002.
- Mathematica Based Computer Laboratories for the Enhancement of a Calculus Sequence, Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 13), Atlanta, November 2000 [with R. Boules]. (.ppt)
- Pressure Conditions for the Local Regularity of the Navier-Stokes Equations, Seminar, Georgetown University, September 1999.
- Pseudo-Self-Similar Solutions of the Navier-Stokes System, Seminar, Towson University, September 1999.
- Integrability and Boundedness of Local Solutions to Singular and Degenerate Quasilinear Parabolic Equations, International Conference on Nonlinear PDE and Applications, Evanston, IL, March 1998.
- Using Projects in a Large Lecture Traditional Calculus Course: Notes from the Field, MAA Sectional Meeting, University of Central Oklahoma, April 1997.
- Pressure Conditions for the Local Regularity of the Navier-Stokes Equations, Seminar, University of Oklahoma, March 1997.
- An Analysis of the Mushy Region in Conduction-Convection Problems with Change of Phase, Thirteenth Annual Conference on Applied Mathematics, University of Central Oklahoma, February 1997.
- An Analysis of the Mushy Region in Conduction-Convection Problems with Change of Phase, University of Oklahoma, September 1996.
- Conduction-Convection Problems with Change of Phase, Seminar, University of Oklahoma, September 1995.
- Conduction-Convection Problems with Change of Phase, SIAM-CBMS Conference on Inverse Problems and Non-Destructive Evaluation, June 1995.
- Conduction-Convection Problems with Change of Phase, Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications, Toledo, Spain, June 1993. (Poster Session)