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Links The School of Emerging Technologies CyberOperations Blog Department of Mathematics Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Mathematics Courses
- Math 111: Algebra for Applications
- Fall 1998, Spring 2005
- Math 119: Precalculus
- Math 263: Discrete Mathematics
- Fall 2001, Fall 2002
- Math 274: Calculus 2
- Fall 2000, Fall 2003
- Math 275: Calculus 3
- Spring 2000, Fall 2001
- Math 283: Honors Calculus 1
- Fall 1999
- Math 284: Honors Calculus 2
- Spring 2000
- Math 305: Chance
- Fall 1998
- Math 353: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry
- Spring 2003
- Math 374: Differential Equations
- Math 353: Mathematical Models
- Math 378: Scientific Modeling and Simulation
- Spring 2002, Spring 2003
- Math 379: Advanced Calculus
- Fall 1999
- Math 480: Topics in Mathematics: Scientific Modeling and Simulation
- Fall 2000, Spring 2001
- Math 581: Special Topics in Mathematics
- Fall 1999
- Math 635: Applied Numerical Analysis
- Spring 1999, Fall 2002
- Math 667: Algebra of Symmetries
- Math 673: Integral Transforms and Applications
- Fall 2001, Spring 2005
Computer Science Courses
- Cosc 481: Case Studies in Computer Security