I gave the following invited conference talks in the recent years.
April 2012. Invited talk: "Homology groups in model theory". ASL Annual Meeting in Madison, WI.
March 2012. Invited talk: "Amalgamation functors and homology groups in model theory".
AMS Sectional Meeting in Manoa, HI.
April 2009. Invited talk: "Eliminating groupoid imaginaries in first-order theories". Logic
Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago.
March 2009. Invited talk: "Groupoids and uniqueness in stable theories". Mid-Atlantic Model
Theory Seminar, Robert Morris University.
April 2008. Invited talk: "Eventual categoricity, amalgamation properties, and tameness". Midwest Model Theory Meeting, University of Illinois at Chicago.
March 2008. Invited talk: "The amalgamation spectrum". Association of Symbolic Logic Meeting.
November 2007. Colloquium talk: "Model theory". American University.
October 2007. Invited talk: "Stability and tameness". AMS meeting, Special Session on Model
Theory of Non-elementary Classes
In addition, I regularly attend and give talks at Maryland Logic Seminar at the University of Maryland. Here are the titles of the recent talks there:
- May 2012. "Saturated pairs spectrum"
- October 2011. "Objects witnessing failure of \(n\)-uniqueness"
- October 2010. "Homology groups in model theory," Parts I, II, and III.
- September 2010. "The prism lemma"
- April 2010. "The properties of \(n\)-existence and \(n\)-uniqueness, revisited"
- February 2010. "Groupoids and their symmetric witnesses"