The History of Hip Hop Dancing

Welcome to Hip Hop Dance Association! The Hip Hop Dance Association was formed in 2023 to help spread the history and culture of hip hop dancing. We help fund hip hop dance academies to not only teach and educate others on the style of hip hop dancing, but to also give young peers oppurtunities in pursing a career in the dance field. Hip hop dancing has grown into a world wide phenominon today. Hip hop dancing began in the late 1960's and was inspired by the moves seen in African dancing. It flourished and became a new and trendy style of dancing in the streets of places such as New York. Over the years, hip hop dancing has evolved into the world wide phenonmenon today, it incorporates many aspects of modern dancing, tap dancing, and swing dancing. If this interests you, check out the "Info" section to read and learn more about how Hip Hop dancing came to be. Then head over to our "Gallery" section to watch videos from some of the top hip hop dance crews in the world. Lastly, head over to our "Contact" section if you'd like to reach out to us about a question or more information! If you are also interested in attending hip hop dancing classes please do not hesitate to reach out to our so we can send you more information on attending hip hop dances in an dance academy near you!

Info sourced by: A Dance Place.
Image sourced by: iStock.