Explore the City of Light

Paris, France is known as the “city of light.” It is the subject of countless paintings, novels, and films, and its architecture, museums, and monuments draw visitors from around the world. Paris’s history is only one part of its appeal.


The Vital Center of Power

Paris remains incharge of visual art, fashion, cuisine, and learning. And as the capital of France and the largest city in the European Union, Paris is also a seat of financial and political power. Many people believe the city of Paris demonstrates the height of Western European culture.


Formality in Paris

One of the most significant cultural shocks in Paris is the general level of formality. In the U.S., it is relatively common to smile and greet strangers in passing, and in some cases, to make small talk and potentially overshare about one’s personal life. In Paris, strangers are more formal with each other.


Café Culture

Cafés in Paris date back to the 1600s when Café Procope first opened its doors. Steadily growing in popularity, Parisian cafés are a type of café found mainly in Paris, where they can serve as a meeting place, neighborhood hub, conversation matrix, rendezvous spot, and a place to relax or to refuel for Parisian citizens.