Improve Sleep


There are many way to improve sleep ,but here are 5 ways to improve sleep:

1. Don't Use your phone or electronics before bed

The phone light emitted from phones can afect your Cicardian clock causing you to stay up. Speficially, the blue light produced from the phone halts melatonin production.

2. Eat healthy/ reduce sugars

Sugar and Caffeine can cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. In addition, a nutritious diet would prevent obesity. Obesity is one of the causes of the sleep apena.

3. Exercise

Exercising can help you go to sleep. This is due to the fact that excerise reduces stress, which typically keeps up. Exercise also relieves peoples daytime sleepiness, which allow them to fully rest at night.

4. Try to Manage Stress

Stress keeps us up in the night due to hormones like cortisol that are used to keep us alert. So, manage stress is key to having a good nigh sleep. This can be done through having good stress management techniques like writing in a journal, exercising and meditating.

5. Sleep on time

Being consistent with your sleep schedule. Sleeping at a certain time a day helps your body's sleep cycle. It allows your body's sleep cycle. It allows your body to know when to sleep and when to be awake.