Taylor Rarig

Graphic Design Student

From Odenton MD
Check out some of my work!

Book covers I made of the original trilogy of Star Wars.

Visit My Instagram!

I am a senior here at Towson with a Major in Graphic Design and a Minor in Marketing. I transferred here after two years at Anne Arundel Community College. I live in Odenton MD, so I commute about an hour each way when I come to school twice a week. I did not always want to be a Graphic Designer; I changed my major after my second year of college. Covid made me realize that I needed to genuinely enjoy what I would do for the rest of my life. I always enjoyed drawing as kid but never thought I could do it as a career. I loved taking the classes like drawing, sculpture, painting, Adobe software, photography, and more that have taught me so much and make me confident in my abilities when 2 years ago I did not consider myself an office. My journey from Community College to Towson, my change in major, and my passion for graphic design have all shaped me into a confident senior ready to embark on a fulfilling career in this field.

My Projects:
Project 1
Project 2 Proposal
Project 2
Project 3 Proposal
Project 3