Discover the fascinating history and cultivation of sunflowers.
In Chinese culture, sunflowers symbolize good luck, long life, and lasting happiness.
Native American cultures associate sunflowers with harvest and provision.
In Hindu culture, sunflowers are considered the flower of the Sun and are used to adorn photos or statues of Hindu Goddesses.
Vincent van Gogh famously painted twelve canvases featuring sunflowers.
Sunflowers follow the Fibonacci sequence in the arrangement of their seeds, showcasing a mathematical pattern found in various aspects of nature.
Mathematician Alan Turing was fascinated by the patterns in sunflower spirals.
After nuclear disasters in Hiroshima, Fukushima, and Chernobyl, sunflowers were planted to help absorb toxic metals and radiation from the soil, as they are known hyperaccumulators.
Kansas, USA, is known as the sunflower state. Interestingly, an 1895 state law once deemed the sunflower a 'noxious weed' that should be destroyed.