The Exhibit
'Untitled (after Elizabeth Vigee Le Brun)', oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, 2019
'Untitled (after Joseph Wright)', oil on canvas, 160 x 125 cm, 2020
'Untitled (after Ernst Thelott)', oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm, 2019
'Untitled (after Joseph van Lerius)', oil on canvas, 70 x 55 cm, 2020
'Untitled (after Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun)', oil on canvas, 160 x 120 cm, 2020
'Marble bust of a woman', oil on canvas, 150x110 cm, 2018
Koilos Gyne', oil on canvas 150x115 cm, 2019
'Untitled', oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm, 2020