Syllabus Home Page

Students will research topics, wireframe ideas and produce packages with computer technologies for Web publication.

This course consists of lectures, demonstrations, discussions and student presentations. There will be limited lab time available during class. Students must have access to computers with word-processing and Web browsing software outside of class time to complete assignments.

While this class is not primarily a writing course, students are expected to be familiar with Associated Press style. Grades on assignments will be adjusted downward for style errors as well as errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and other mechanics.

At the end of the semester, you should be able to:

All students should have completed MCOM257 prior to taking this course. Knowledge of hardware, software and the Internet is preferred.

During lectures, presentations and group work, students should be focusing on the material being presented and not checking e-mail or text messaging. If I catch you doing any of these, you will lose 5 points from your overall class total of 100 possible points the first time, 10 points the second time, and 20 points the third time.

Please turn off your cell phone at the start of class and leave it on the desk at the front of the classroom. The first time your phone rings in class, you will lose 5 points from your overall class total of 100 possible points, the second time you will lose 10 points, and the third time you will lose 20 points.

Attendance is mandatory. In the event of absence from class, you assume full responsibility for the material covered in class. Please consult with a classmate to see what you have missed. One absence will be allowed; subsequent absences will each result in a deduction of two points from your semester grade. If you have a valid excuse with a note (doctor's note, religious holiday, etc.) the absence will be excused up to my discretion.

Late assignments will not be accepted. All assignments are due on the date given in the schedule -- NO EXCUSES!


COFAC Civility Code and classroom behavior

COFAC places a priority on learning. We value the inherent worth and dignity of every person, thereby fostering a community of mutual respect. Students have the right to a learning environment free of disruptive behaviors and offensive comments. Faculty have the right to define appropriate behavioral expectations in the classroom and expect students to abide by them. Faculty have the responsibility to manage and address classroom disruption. Staff have the right and responsibility to define appropriate behaviors necessary to conduct any university activity free of disruption or obstruction.

We believe that in order to achieve these ideals, all COFAC students, staff, and faculty are expected to exhibit and practice civil behaviors that exemplify: (1) respecting faculty, staff, fellow students, guests, and all university property, policies, rules and regulations; (2) taking responsibility for one's choices, actions and comments; (3) delivering correspondence -- whether verbal, nonverbal, written, or electronic -- with respectful language using professional writing standards and etiquette; and (4) accepting consequences of one's choices and actions. The use of offensive, threatening or abusive language, writing, or behavior will not be tolerated and can lead to academic dismissal. Further information about civility can be found in Appendix F of the university catalog.

Examples demonstrating civility in the classroom as a student include:

Academic Integrity Policy

All student work including assignments, presentations, and tests must adhere to the university's Student Academic Integrity Policy. The policy addresses such academic integrity issues as plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, cheating, complicity in dishonesty, abuse of academic materials, and multiple submissions. See the last page of this syllabus for the department's policy concerning plagiarism and cheating. Penalties to violation of academic integrity ranges from F for the assignment to F for the course, in addition to a report filed in the Office of Student Conduct and Civility Education.

Students with Disabilities Policy

This course is in compliance with Towson University policies for students with disabilities as described in Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with Accessibility & Disability Services (ADS), 7720 York Road, Suite 232, 410-704-2638 (Voice) or 410-704-4423 (TDD). Students who suspect that they have a disability but do not have documentation are encouraged to contact ADS for advice on how to obtain appropriate evaluation. A memo from ADS authorizing your accommodation is needed before any accommodation can be made.

Weapons Policy

To promote a safe and secure campus, Towson University prohibits the possession or control of any weapon while on university property. See the university policy.

Student Legal Responsibilities

In all assignments, students must comply with all laws and the legal rights of others (e.g., copyright, obscenity, privacy and defamation) and with all Towson University policies (e.g., academic dishonesty). Towson University is not liable or responsible for the content of any student assignments, regardless of where they are posted.

Title IX Statement

Towson University (TU) is committed to ensuring a safe, productive learning environment on our campus that does not tolerate sexual misconduct, including harassment, stalking, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, or intimate partner violence [Policy 06.01.60]. It is important for you to know that there are resources available if you or someone you know needs assistance. You may speak to a member of university administration, faculty, or staff, but keep in mind that they have an obligation to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. The goal is that you feel able to share information related to your life experiences in classroom discussions and in one‐on‐one meetings.  However, it is required for them to share information with the Title IX Coordinator regarding disclosures, but know that the information will be kept private to the greatest extent possible.  If you want to speak to someone who is permitted to keep your disclosure confidential, please seek assistance from the TU Counseling Center 410‐704‐2512 to schedule an appointment, and locally within the community at TurnAround, Inc., 443‐279‐0379 (24‐hour hotline) or 410‐377‐8111 to schedule an appointment.