Love God and Others Glory to God
The core teaching is to love God completely and to show that love by loving your neighbor as yourself, as outlined in the Bible "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Matthew 22:37-39). By living a life aligned with God's will, we bring glory to him.

Sharing the Gospel Living in Obedience
Jews can create sacred spaces for the Divine Presence by embodying compassion and actively engaging in acts of kindness toward others. This includes reaching out in love to offer support and companionship, lifting up those who have fallen and struggle, and bringing comfort and care to the sick. By advocating for the freedom of those who are confined or oppressed, Jews help foster an environment where God’s presence can dwell, and where the values of mercy, justice, and healing are alive. Through these actions, they transform everyday encounters into holy opportunities, inviting divine grace into the world and making each act of care a reflection of their spiritual devotion.

Eternal Life Fear God
The ultimate goal in Christianity is to achieve eternal life in heaven, a place of perfect unity and peace with God, where believers experience the fullness of His love and presence. This journey toward eternal life involves a deep reverence and respect for God, often expressed as a “fear” of God, which signifies awe and humility before His greatness. Keeping His commandments is central to this path, as it means following God’s guidance and aligning one’s life with His will, which leads to a life of purpose, morality, and spiritual growth. Through obedience and faith, believers aim to cultivate a close, loving relationship with God that will ultimately bring them into His presence for eternity.