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Mark T. Watson

Hi! My name is Mark, short for Markaila! I go by Mark since it's easier to remember (and spell) for most people.

I was born and raised in D.C. and P.G. County, respectively.

About Me
To start, over the past few months, I've been getting back into anime. Currently, I've been binging Records of Ragnorak, Spy x Family, and Trigun. I'm not really sure what sparked my interest in it, maybe I got tired of "contemporary" media at the moment. The amount of romance influenced, high school drama we're all currently consuming is a bit boring. Also, reboot culture is ruining us methinks. Along with anime, I've trying to be a fake gamer. I usually just watch people play them but I need to take up a new hobby.

Random fact: I've been growing my dreads for almost 6 years and I try to dye them every year. Though I think I'm gonna stick to green for a while; I just feel like it matches my personality the most.

Mark putting up a peace sign, while smiling

Here's some funny links:
Former Cult Member Answers Cult Questions From Twitter
Livin' My Truth By Kid Cudi
Additionally, here's the site I probably spend most of my time online on: Twitch