Takashi Murakami, a Japanese contemporary artist, in an imaginary exhibition. His work is incredibly expressive and colorful, and mainly inspired by various pop culture, anime, and traditional post-war Japanese art. Besides art, he also designs accessories, fashion, and toys.
Tessa Mars, a Haitian visual artist born and raised in Port-au-Prince. Her work represents her efforts to reconnect to a Haitian perspective of the world. Through her paintings, audio pieces and papier mache objects, she tries to locate a "spiritual space" of migration based on our relations to the land and to the idea of belonging.
Madeleine Bialke, a landscape painter born in 1991 in New York. Her paintings are revered as "ethereal" and said to emit a "dreamlike quality." Bialke focuses on anthropomorphizing nature, using supple rounded tree forms and softly curved plants, as well as iridescent colors to indicate emotion.