Banksy is an anonymous England-based grafitti and street artist. No one knows his identity except for his wife probably. He works through a series of contracts to have people work for him and secretly put his artwork out into the streets. Graffiti is technically illegal which is the main reason he decides to keep his identity hidden. He did a series in New York named "Banksy Does New York" where he would post a statement or sentence on his website which would give a hint where his art was installed. He did this for a single month in October 2013. This was a phenomenon because people from all over New York would engage in this scavenger hunt to find the next "Banksy" which was what they called his art pieces. This had mixed reactions because most people enjoy seeing his artwork, while others who don't appreciate it, cover it up with more paint. Others even took advantage of this and stood in front of it and only let people take a photo if they paid them money. It is said that Banksy works through a series of people who sign extensive legal contract with him to install his art for him through the use of stencils and graffiti paint. This allows him to hide his identity while still putting out his artwork. People have been trying to expose his identity but no one had such luck. Even if they found who was installing the pieces, that individual would most likely not have been Banksy, nor would they probably have ever met Banksy in their life. To this day, the identity of Banksy still has not been revealed and probably never will. Although we may not be able to necessary appreciate him in person and ask him question about his artwork, we can still appreciate his art pieces and come up with our own interpretations of his works of art.