Mythological island originated from the works of Plato. People of Atlantis attack Athens and fall out of favor with the gods. The island is submerged into the Atlantic Ocean as punishment. People question if there is any truth to this myth whether there is an actual location or based off real events.
Mythological creatures that are half-human and half-fish. In 2011 there was an uptick of people thinking they were real from the mockumentary by Animal Planet “Mermaids: The Body Found”. Most evidence has been debunked but the concept is in many cultures.
Legendary sea monster that appears in multiple European mythologies. Many differently described appearances such as a clawed creature with multiple heads, large multi-armed fish crab or starfish, and a giant octopus-like creature. The Kraken tale was often told by sailors to scare or impress others. Some giant squids do exist and can reach up to 50ft long. There are also colossal squids that can get up to 33ft long and have the largest eyes of any known creature to exist at a 16 inch diameter. They also have shark hooks inside their suction cups to grip into flesh of prey, they are known as ambush predators and use bioluminescence to attract prey.
Loosely defined regions between Bermuda Puerto Rico and southern tip of Florida. In this area there have been several aircrafts and ships that disappeared without explanation. Most popular disappearances include the USS Cyclops in 1918, Star Tiger in 1948, Star Aerial in 1949, and Flight 19 a group of 5 USTBM Avenger torpedo bombers that went missing during a navigation training flight in 1945. In these disappearances, no distress signals were ever transmitted and many aircrafts sent to search for the ships also went missing. While there are many theories on this topic, it is also thought that the people on the ships failed to account for the “agonic line” (a place where magnetic north and true north are the same) that passes through the Bermuda Triangle and causes compasses to change and have them lost. Christopher Columbus also passed through the Bermuda Triangle and his crew reported strange findings. Columbus wrote he saw 3 mermaids and described them as “not as half as beautiful as they are painted.” This is because he saw three manatees. They also reported that a great flame of fire crashed into the sea one night, which was likely a meteor. They also saw a strange light that appeared in the distance. Columbus also stated how his compass was off while passing through the triangle that also adds more proof to him and his crew did pass through.
Giant prehistoric shark that lived 23-3.6 million years ago. Estimated to be as large as 47 to 67ft long. It’s diet consisted of large seals and whales. There was an uptick in 2013 of believers that thought the megalodon still exists. This is because of a mockumentary by the Discovery Channel called “Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives”. There is supposed footage of a massive shark swimming in the Mariana Trench and people took this as evidence of the Megalodon still existing but migrated into deeper waters. The shark in the footage was likely a sleeper shark and most megalodon sightings are just other shark species that are mistaken for megalodons. Also, it’s impossible for megalodons to live in the Mariana Trench because they were warm-watered creatures, and the deep ocean is too cold for survival.
Fear of large bodies of water, those with this fear have anxiety when looking or thinking about how vast and deep the ocean is.
Massive oceanic trench in the Pacific Ocean and is home to the deepest point in the ocean called the Challenger Deep with a maximum of 35,856ft deep. Only 21 people have descended to the Challenger Deep.
Also referred to as Muriel, a phenomenon event where the ocean has a ghost-like translucent glow and cloudy appearance. This is because of bioluminescent microorganisms; this could be to scare off predators, warn others of potential danger, or to attract mates.
Large circular feature in the Baltic Sea discovered in 2011 from sonar imaging when trying to find ship wreckage. They sampled the stone and found it is just standard granite and sandstone and concluded its just a natural geological formation from glacial activity.
Fear of submerged man-made objects, this could come from the thoughts of how these objects found itself submerged or the thought of something mankind created being swallowed by the ocean and in a state of decay.
Brine pools create the illusion of another body of water in water. Like the Goo Lagoon in Spongebob and how water can be in water. Brine pools are dense bodies of water that have a salinity 3-8 times greater than the surrounding ocean. Because of the high salinity it hinders the breathing of most organisms which means fish can drown in it.
Underwater rock formation off the coast of Yonaguni Island, Japan. Featuring rectangular structures that people thought were man-made, which is unlikely because of its size. Since its so close to the surface, it is a popular tourist attraction.
This is a mysterious underwater sound recorded by the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in 1997 at the South Pacific. It is quite like sounds produced by marine animals like whales and was believed to come from animals. This is problematic because the sound was loud enough to be picked up by multiple sensors thousands of miles apart from each other; so, if it was by an animal, it must have been larger than any other known animal on the planet. The current idea is that it was from cracking sea ice because other recordings of this sound like the bloop. Also, when the bloop is recorded at its original speed it further proves it’s an ice-quake as it sounds nothing like a creature at this speed.
Unidentified underwater sound recorded on March 1st, 1999 by the NOAA near Cape Adair Antarctica. Like Bloop, this is believed to be also cracking ice. There was also a satellite image of a large moving shadow in the water during this sound but nothing to back this up.
Japanese cryptid described as a humanoid whale-like creature that inhabits the icy waters of the Antarctic and said to be completely white and 20-30 meters long. This started on the Japanese website 2chan with a forum post that claimed members of a whale research ship saw the creature that mistook it for a submarine then watched it disappear beneath the waves. It’s appearance changes depending on who you ask, sometimes it has legs and other times has arms and a tail but has no evidence of its existence. Also, when the word Ningen is translated to English it means “human” so it could be referred to as underwater humanoids.
An American merchant ship that left to deliver barrels of alcohol from New York City to Genoa, Italy on November 7th, 1874. A month later December 4th it was discovered abandoned and floating adrift in the middle of the Atlantic 400 miles off the coast of Portugal. No trace left of Captain Benjamin Spooner Briggs, his wife, his 2-year-old daughter, and the 7 other crewmen. All personal belongings and cargo were left intact and the last entry in the ship’s log was stated 10 days before the ship was discovered. The only things missing were a single lifeboat and a dismantled pump. It wasn’t pirates because of cargo being intact and no foul play, the ship wasn’t damaged, so they had no reason to leave because of that. A theory is that the ship’s pumps were inoperative and caused Briggs to think the ship was taking on too much water than it was and abandoned the ship. There is another theory that the alcohol caused a gas explosion that scared the captain and crew to abandon the ship.
A ship found drifting 88 miles northeast of Australia on April 20th, 2007 with all crew missing. Like the Mary Celeste, the ship was left in perfect condition, engine, radio, and GPS running. There was even food set up neatly on the table, but one of the sails had been badly shredded and no life raft on board; but it was unsure if there was even a life raft to begin with. The current reason for this is that one of the crewmen tried to free a fishing lure that was stuck on the ship’s portside rudder and fell into the water. The second guy went into help and the third guy was knocked off by the sail that was pushed by the wind. Apparently, the crew were all inexperienced sailors, but the explanation is still absurd sounding.
Long-armed rarely seen squids found in the deep sea, their long arms catch zooplankton that bump into their arms as they pass by. Not much information is known about them.
Also known as the Pacific Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon’s Triangle. It is a region of the ocean south of Tokyo, this is like the Bermuda Triangle because of its many stories of ships and aircrafts disappearing without explanation. One of these stories is Shiro Kawamoto, a pilot who disappeared in 1945 that crossed the region. Before his disappearance he sent out a distressed radio transmission ending with, “Something is happening in the sky, the sky is opening up.” But the source of this is likely fake. A possible explanation is that the region is home to undersea volcanoes and methane hydrates; the volcanoes heat the hydrates and cause them to release methane gas that rises and form bubbles on the surface which interrupts buoyancy and causes a ship to sink.
A monster cited by the British Naval vessel Daedalus in 1848, the crew reported it having a dark brown color, at least 60 ft long, and moving 19 to 24 kph. People think it was a misidentified whale.
Species of jellyfish discovered in the Mediterranean Sea during the 1880s and are no larger than a pinky nail. In response to physical damage or starvation, it ages backwards and is born again, hence the name immortal jellyfish. This ability was discovered in the 1990s and was believed to possibly replace damaged or mutated cells in the human body or cure for cancer.
During the early months of 1968, 4 different submarines from different nations went missing. These included the Israeli INS Dakar, French Minerve, Soviet K-129, and USS Scorpion. None of the nations could figure out what happened to their submarines. All the submarines wreckages were found on the sea floor and caused by equipment failures like a misfired missile or violent underwater conditions.
Lighthouse off the west coast of Mainland Scotland and famous for its mysterious disappearance of its keepers in 1900. The first concern was that a passing ship noted the light wasn’t operational during poor weather conditions. During a search, all three lighthouse keeps were gone without a trace, everything in the lighthouse was orderly with no signs of struggle. One of the men’s coats were even still hung inside. There is a theory one of the men got stuck in violent waters and the other two tried to help him.
Islands that were mapped out or documented to exist at some point but were later found to not exist. Some of these islands were mistakes or deliberate misinformation but still have speculation.
A deep-sea submersible vehicle created by engineer Otis Barton to be used by naturalist William Beebe to study undersea wildlife. It featured three 3inch thick windows and was unpowered and lowered into the ocean on a cable. During the 1930s Barton and Beebe went on various dives to document deep sea animals that never had been seen in native habitats. On one of the dives, they reached 3028ft, which was the deepest anyone has been in the ocean at that time. They had no control of the vehicle and only had communication by a simple telephone system. During another dive, Beebe believed he discovered a new species of fish called the Untouchable fish that were 6ft long with sharp teeth, jaw that they kept wide open, a row of lights running across their bodies, and two long appendages with bioluminescent lights at their tips. Barton confirmed the sighting but didn’t see the fish as he was maintaining the bathysphere when it happened. No one else has seen this reported animal and possibly Beebe mistook what he had seen or maybe it went extinct the last time he saw it. They also could have been a type of dragonfish.
Location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and most remote location on the planet. This location was only a few thousand miles away from where the bloop noise was recorded. And is also very close to where H.P. Lovecraft stated the city of R’lyeh is located. Its closer to the International Space Station (ISS) than any other human settlement; and when the ISS retires, Point Nemo is the location it is expected to crash in.
Large carcass that washed ashore on the island of Stronsay, Scotland in 1808. The Vernarian Natural History Society couldn’t initially identify the creature and declared it a new species of sea serpent. First measured at 55ft long but was later declared it was 36ft long and was a decaying basking shark. Some of the conflicting speculation was that eyewitnesses said it had legs. Beach carcasses are often misidentified depending on the condition.
On July 30th, 1915 a German U-Boat fired a torpedo at a cargo ship which caused a massive underwater explosion launching wreckage in all directions. But during the wreckage, an alleged 60ft crocodile-like beast was launched into the air. Another story of this happening was on April 30th, 1918 during the end of the war, a different crew of a different German U-Boat surrendered and captured by British. One of the crewmen said they had to surrender because their submarine was incapable of driving because a monster bit chunks out of it. But there isn’t much documentation of these stories before 2005.
A collection of stories shared in a thread about the deep sea on 4chan’s paranormal forum in 2020. One of the users claimed to be a professional diver and shared stories and urban legends he has heard from other divers. In one of the stories, he describes an organism called the black carpet, he says it’s some sort of, “colony organism, like a giant moving coral. It’s a giant black carpet of macrobiotic cells that crawls over the ocean floor, sifting through nutrients with millions of tiny feelers.” It also is about a mile wide and has a “large feeler strand that apparently hangs off the top, similar to a jellyfish.” It is also said that the black carpet is the creature where the bloop originated from.
Enormous shark that lives off the coast of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. Not much is known about it, but it is as long as 60ft and black.
Species of goose fish discovered in the Caribbean in 1976. These are rare fish and only have a handful of specimens encountered. It uses the appendage on it’s head to lure and draw prey before attacking.
During a NOAA expedition in the Gulf of Mexico an ROV picked up footage of a strange jellyfish with 4 spider-like appendages on top of it. A year later a similar jellyfish was found in the waters of Hawaii with different coloration opacity and tentacle shape.
In 1958 the Japanese Antarctic observation ship Soya encountered a strange creature. At first, they thought it was a submarine but upon closer inspection it had eyes, ears, a cow-like head, and brown hair across it’s body and named it Antarctic Godzilla. Not many sources or evidence for this besides a 2009 UFO forum with no sources…
During another ROV expedition in 2016 near Hawaii, a small octopus was recorded and given the nickname “Casper” due to clear pale ghost-like appearance. It’s too new to be given a common name.
A phenomenon when the sun goes down, creatures from the deeper and darker parts of the ocean swim upward. Fish are more active at night and can be attracted to lights that shine on the surface. There is a supposed story where the US Navy was conducting experiments with an artificial sun in the Gulf of Aiden. They did this because they wanted to see if they could create infinite energy. These artificial suns create a lot of light and could have awoken or attracted something in the ocean. There are different stories and theories, but the current explanation is that something made a reaction underwater and awoke something that created earthquakes which were recorded.
Amelia Earhart was a famous American aviator who went missing while flying from Lei New Guinea to Howland Island on a mission to fly around the whole world. One of the proposed theories to explain her and her navigators disappearance was that they needed to make an emergency landing. Then ditched the aircraft in the ocean and swam to a nearby island and died. Some wonder what happened to the bodies? Some think they were eaten by coconut crabs; they are known to feed carcasses of other animals and steal objects for no specific reason. Some think they could have taken the bones and that is why no one can find their bodies.
In 2003 scientists tagged a great white shark to study temperatures and depth. Several months later, the tags were found on a beach 2.5 miles away from where it was first attached to the shark. After collecting data on the tag, they saw that after 4 months of normal behavior the shark abruptly dived 1903 ft into the ocean and slowly floated back up. This suggests the shark was attacked by another predator, possibly a giant cannibal shark.
Another unidentified sound that was recorded in the Pacific Ocean in 1997. The NOAA has ruled out the theory that this was caused by volcanic activity because it was only recorded with one hydrophone instead of three to triangulate its location.
In August of 2010 the Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology caught footage of a creature with two blank eyes idly floating by. A lot think it was just a rock that happened to have two barnacles or sponges places a specific way to look like a creature.
On an expedition in the Gulf of Mexico a weird, shaped squid was found. Cephalopods often contort their body for camouflage or to scare predators. It is possible this is a species that has already been discovered. But this one was contorted to an extent that made it impossible to accurately identify and could be a new species.
Another underwater sound, but unlike the others, this one has occurred every single year since the discovery of it in 1991. But every year it decreases in volume, so whatever is causing it is slowly going away. The scientific explanation is that its volcanic activity.
Also known as the Bimini wall is an underwater rock formation near North Bimini Island in the Bahamas. Its near half a mile long linear road mostly composed of rectangular blocks. Because of the irregular shapes of the rocks some believe its an ancient road that is man made. But there isn’t enough evidence to prove this, and it was likely created through natural occurrences.
A seafaring army that attacked multiple nations in the East Mediterranean. But no one knows where they came from, and we only know they invaded nations towards the end of the Bronze Age.
The process of animals moving up and down in water according to the time of day and external factors. It could be a possible explanation for the disappearances of the creatures listed here. Mythological creatures we think don’t exist could have just migrated deeper into the ocean. Or maybe the increase in sea travel caused organisms to migrate downward to avoid boats and fishers.
In the same 4chan forum paranormal thread user that described the black carpet, this is another tale he shared. He describes something that happened to his friend Frank while he was a diving instructor, Frank was taking a group of new trainees into deeper waters to get used to the sensation of being underwater and being unable to see the bottom. Frank said that it was common for people to get scared of deep ocean waters, but he saw another reaction people get that’s “call of the deep”. Frank recalls a dive where a kid hung back from the group, staring down into the water and when Frank tried to approach him, the kid began swimming straight down into the abyss. Despite Frank trying to stop him, the kid shook him off and continued down to his presumed death. The user also claims he has heard other similar stories from other diving instructors. This reaction makes people compelled to swim into the deep ocean.
This refers to a supposed logbook that was kept by Thomas Marshall before he disappeared from the Flannon Isles Lighthouse. In his last few entries dating from December 12th to 15th, the exact day someone knew there was something wrong with the lighthouse. Marshall explains a raging storm the three lighthouse keeps were crying in fear. But there were no reports of any storms between December 12th to 15th 1900. In the final entry Marshall writes, “1 PM, storm ended, sea calm, God is over all.” These logbook entries are a fictional addition to the Flannon story originating from the August 1929 issue of True Stories magazine. But this serves as a reminder that anything we create can be swept away by the ocean and lost to time.