There's more to my story than just my size!
Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects of flaws in your appearance – a flaw that appears minor or can't be seen by others. But you may feel so embarrassed, ashamed and anxious that you may avoid many social situations. Focusing on your “flaws” may cause you to have significant distress and impact your ability to function in your daily life.
It's not known specifically what causes body dysmorphia disorder. Like many other mental health conditions, body dysmorphic disorder may result from a combination of issues, such as a family history of the disorder, negative evaluations or experiences about your body or self-image, and abnormal brain function or abnormal levels of the brain chemical called serotonin.
Here to Celebrate Women!
What is Body Poitivity?Here are ways to improve your mentally.
To appreciate your body despite your perceived flaws; feeling confident about your body; loving your body; accepting your body’s shape and size.Be realistic
It is difficult to control your apparency and excessive thoughts and repetitive behaviors can be unwanted, difficult to control and so time consuming that they can cause major distress or problems in your social life, work, school, or other areas of functioning.Usually, nitpicks at the skin and vein appearance, breast size, muscle and tone, genitalia, and other parts of their body.
Recognize that although an “ideal” body image exists, don’t let that detear you from knowing that you have value and are worthy. Replace the Negative thought patterns. Repeat positive affirmation or replace with realistic thoughts. Health – Focused Self Care.
What is the Body Ody Movement.
It is important to know that you deserve to love the physical being that makes you. The movement involves loving your body and feeling good about how it looks. I know from firsthand experience how hard it is to ignore the “flaws” we as women may think we have because of societal standards. Inspired by the iconic Megan Thee Stallion song ; she as an artist created a song that encourages women to embrace themselves and the shape of them. Something that is very rare to hear in today’s time. The Body Ody Movement wants to help women build confidence and address the unrealistic body standards. The movement recognizes that judgements are often made based on a person's race, gender, sexuality, and disability. The idealization of thinness can contribute to people engaging in unhealthy actions. On the other hand, many think that the movement only goes for heavier women and that is not the case. The movement stands for those who have a disability, skin conditions, and/or body dysmorphia.