About Myself: Rachelle Watts

Project 1 Project 2 Idea Project 2 Project 3 Idea

My name is Rachelle Watts and I am majoring in graphic design here at Towson University! I transferred from Frederick Community College where I studied graphic design and graduated with an associate degree. I am continuing my studies in graphic design for a bachelor degree for a full-time career. Since highschool, I took an interest in graphic design when I took my very graphic design class and fell in love with expressing my creativity with digital art. Although I am still thinking about what I want to do when I start a full-time job, I want to help make logos for small businesses. I am taking ART466 because it is required class I have to take for the spring semester and to help me refresh and expand my web design skills. I want to learn about about making responsive websites and explore more with Javascript this semester. Outside of school, my hobbies consist of photography, playing video games, going to the gym, shopping, and spending time with my friends, family, and boyfriend. I do not have other responsibilities other than school at the moment, but I have applied to a couple of part-time jobs and waiting to hear back from either one. My hometown is Frederick, MD, but I also lived in Georgia for a few years then South Carolina for a couple of years before moving back to Maryland.

Previous Artworks

What I have here are some art projects I did at FCC. I have a project from Illustration 1, a charcoal drawing from Drawing 1, and a wire project from Foundations of Art 2 .

Previous Web Designs

Lastly, here are some web design projects I completed at FCC as well. Although I am happy with the results of the projects, I did struggle when taking Web Design 1 and 2 as they were remote and rushed. Maybe taking this class will also give me a chance to make some improvements.

Aroma Expressions

Baker's Heart

Tranquil Spa Invite

Week #3 - Project 1 Ideas

For my first project, I will be using the three sites above as sort of an inspiration towards certain elements I want to include in my art exhibition site. My website will be about a past art exhibition, Drawn to the Light, which showcases photography. This exhibit took place in the Portland Museum of Art. I would like to make my site inspired by the museum's website, but with with changes to colors to match the logo (which I will be including), matching fonts, a ton of photos and maybe some animation if I can. The site will include three artists picked out, their artworks, and a description added to the works. The website will also have a nav bar on the top directing to other pages, links, social media pages/icons, and a video. The links on the site will be referenced to any materials and ideas I will be using to make my site.