Must Read: This assignment can be done in Animate or in Photopea. Since Photopea is easily available, I recommend you do it in Photopea. Instructions for doing it in Photopea are provided in related Blackboard Discussion (Lab 9: Animation 1).  However, if you have access to Adobe Animate, you can do it with that. Instructions are provided below.


Flash Animation 1


Adobe Flash (or Adobe Animate CC) is a software package that allows you to create projects called movies. A movie is much like what you go to see in a movie theater. It is composed of one of more scenes. A scene can be considered a small, self-contained movie and is comparable to a chapter in a book. Our first movie will be a simple movie showing a sunrise and an airplane flying across the sky.

Each scene consists of several frames. A frame is one single picture within a scene. Playing frames in rapid succession gives the human eye the illusion of constant motion. A keyframe is a frame where the action of your object changes significantly. Example: a plane flies across the screen from left to right. Keyframe number one in this case would be the frame where the plane starts on the left side of the screen, keyframe number two in this case would be the frame where the plane stops on the right side of the screen.

In addition to frames, each scene can be made of different layers. To understand the concept of layers, think of a stack of transparencies. You can place different objects of your scene on separate transparencies (layers). To see the complete scene, you would then look at all the transparencies together stacked up. This is essentially the concept of layers. It is recommended to place each object on a separate layer. This practice will make manipulating (animating) your objects much easier.

Objects are also called symbols. Symbols are those objects which make up your scene. Symbols are objects that are stored in your movie's library for reuse. Symbols can easily be reused and/or modified. Symbols can be added to the library by the user.  

Each layer has a timeline which shows how the symbols on the layer change over the course of the scene. The amount of time your movie is showing depends on the total number of frames you define.

Our movie will also contain some basic animation. To animate an object, you define two or more keyframes (frames where the action changes significantly). Between those keyframes are several frames which show the transition between those keyframes. This transition can be generated using Flash. The process of transition is calledtweening. Tweening is a Flash function which determines the best way to transfer an object from one keyframe to the next.

Our first movie will be an animation showing a nature scene. We will create a movie showing the sun rise and a cloud flying in the sky. The movie will also have credits which show who created this movie. This movie will have one scene, 40 frames and four layers 


  1. Use Start / Programs / Adobe Animate to start Flash. Select Create / New/ ActionScript 3.0.To ensure that all controls are shown on the screen, select View / Magnification / Show All, and select View/Preview Mode/Full. The properties window should show to the right of your screen by default. If you don't see this window, select Window / Properties to open it.
  2. Flash has a dialog box called Document Properties that allows you to change the main characteristics of your movie. The default background for each movie is white. Our movie will show the sky, so we would like to change the color of the  background to blue. Select Modify / Document and in the dialog box that appears, click on the Stage Color button. In the color palette that then appears, click on a light blue shade for your background. Then click OK.

  3. Create a sun. To help with this step, refer to the picture above. To make your sun, select the oval tool. Use it to drag out a medium sized circle in the lower left portion of the stage (for a perfect circle, hold the shift key while you draw the circle). To fill your circle, choose the Paint Bucket tool in the Toolbox . Select the sun first (left-click once), then in the color palette that appears, choose an appropriate color for your sun (a shade of orange works well). Once you release the mouse pointer the sun should have the color you selected.

  4. Animate your sun. Select the Pointer Tool in the upper right corner of the Drawing Toolbox.  Select all of the sun (the interior and the outline)  by drawing a rectangle around the sun. Next, choose Insert / Classic Tween. Flash converts your sun automatically to a symbol (placing it in the library). 

  5. Define the final position of your sun. Click directly under the timeline in frame 40, the final frame of our animation. We want to use 40 keyframes to make the sun rise from the lower left to the upper right. This means that in frame 40, the sun will be in its final position, at the upper right of the screen. Choose Insert / Timeline / Keyframe to make this a keyframe. Notice the solid arrow between frame 1 and frame 40 signifying a successful motion tween. Now we move the sun to its position in frame 40. With frame 40 still selected, single click on your sun to select it and drag it to its final position in the upper right area of the stage. 

  6. Change the color of your sun. Note that unlike a real sunrise, your sun does not change color as it rises. In this step, you will make your sun change color as it rises. Select frame 1, click on your sun once to select it. In the Properties Window (to the right of the stage) in the color effect list select Tint. In the color selection square (right next to Tint) select a shade of yellow for your sun. You can adjust the sliders until your sun has your desired shade of yellow. Play your animation to see your sun change color as it rises! Make sure to un-select your sun by clicking anywhere on the canvas outside of the sun. Let's check our animation. To play your animation, choose Control / Rewind then Control / Play

  7. Adjust the path of the sun. When we played the movie we noticed that the sun is taking a straight path from the lower left to the upper right. We would like to curve the path a little. Click on the timeline in frame 20. Flash now shows you the sun in the position in frame 20. Drag the sun a little further up. Flash now shows a bullet in this frame, meaning that it now designed this frame as a new keyframe. Control / Rewind and Control / Play your movie again. Add a few more keyframes to make the path look like a curve. 

  8. Save your project on your disk. To do this, choose File / Save As, navigate to your disk and give your movie the name MyMovie.fla, then click the Save button.

  9. Add another object (cloud) to your movie. Since we want to animate our new object  we will place the new object on its own layer.  To insert a new layer, choose Insert  / Timeline / Layer. Note that this new layer, called Layer 2, is at the top of the list of layers. This means that objects in Layer 2 will appear on top of objects in Layer 1. If necessary, you can rearrange the ordering of the layers (called the stacking order) in a scene. The name of the currently active layer is indicated in bold face and in this case is Layer 2. You can change the active layer by clicking on the name of the layer and dragging this layer to the bottom of the layer list.  Try this a few times but leave Layer 2 as the active layer when you are done. 

  10. Create a cloud to fly across the sky.  Create a new layer for the cloud. Our keyframes for each layer will be again frame 1 and frame 40.  Make sure that layer 2 is the active layer (click on it if necessary). Draw a cloud on the left, upper side of the stage.  

  11. Animate your cloud. Select the Pointer Tool in the upper left corner of the Drawing Toolbox.  Select all of the cloud (the interior and the outline) - be careful now that there are other objects in other layers, it may be better to select our cloud by double-clicking on it instead of drawing a rectangle around the cloud. Next, choose Insert / Classic Tween. Flash converts your cloud automatically to a symbol (placing it in the library). 

  12. Define the final position of your cloud. Click directly under the timeline in frame 40, the final frame of our animation. We want to use 40 keyframes to let the cloud fly across the sky.  This means that in frame 40, the cloud will be in its final position. Choose Insert / Timeline / Keyframe to make this a keyframe. Notice the solid arrow between frame 1 and frame 40 signifying a successful motion tween. Now we move the cloud to its position in frame 40. With frame 40 still selected, single click on your cloud to select it and drag it to its final position towards the right portion of the stage.  
  13. Change the stacking order. Drag the bar labeled Layer 1 up into the position where the bar labeled Layer 2 is. Again rewind and play your movie and note the changes.  

  14. Add credits that show the creator of this wonderful movie! Insert a new layer by selecting Insert / Timeline / Layer. Layer 3 should now be your active layer. Select frame 20 of layer 3 to be your first keyframe. Click on frame 20, then select Insert / Timeline / Keyframe. In the Toolbox, choose the text tool. In the Properties Window, select Font and set the font to Arial. Set the text size to 18 and the text style to Italics. Make sure the properties box shows static text. Click somewhere in the lower half of the stage and type three lines of text

    This fantastic movie was created by    
    Joe Student (replace with your name)  
    COSC 109 section M 8 am (replace with your section)

  15. Now click on frame 40 for layer 3, then select Insert / Timeline / Keyframe. Our text will not move, it is just required to stay on the screen from frame 20 to frame 40. Rewind and play your movie. Should you need to delete any frames, you can do so by right-clicking on the frame(s) to remove, then select Remove Frames.

  16. Add one additional object. Improve the movie by adding an additional object, for example, a bird, or a kite.Insert an additional layer. Place an object of your choice on this layer towards the top of the screen. The object can be any item of your choice. Make this item move from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen.

  17. Save your movie. Select File/Save As, select Save as Type: Flash Document (*.fla). For a file name, type anim1.

  18. All Done! 
  19. Before we post our movie to LearnOnline, lets take a look at file formats for Flash animation. Remember the native Flash format are files using the  .fla extension. The .fla format is the format that is needed if you want to make any changes to your file. However, this is not the file format that we want to post to LearnOnline. If we post our animation on the web using the native .fla format we would have two disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that this format would allow anyone to download our animation, manipulate it and use it for their own purpose. The other disadvantage is that files in .fla format require the full Flash software to be present on the viewer's computer. 

  20. File Formats. The easy solution for this dilemma is a conversion from .fla format to a so-called Flash Player format. This format is called shockwave and has a file extension .swf. Before you convert your movie make sure to save it in native .fla format. Select Control / Play All Scenes (to show all scenes of your movie), select Control / Rewind (to make sure your movie starts from the beginning), select Control / Loop Playback  (this option will continuously play your movie). Now we are ready to export the movie to Flash Player format. Select File / Export Movie. In Save as Type, select Flash Movie and select type (*.swf), as file name type anim1. If a dialog box appears, click the box Protect from Import and Compress, this will lock your file and prevent other users to copy your file and reduce the file size of the animation. Accept all other default values. 

  21. You should now have two files saved, anim1.fla and anim1.swf. Post the file anim1.swf to LearnOnline using the Flash Animation 1 discussion board. Check your work (to play your movie in Learnonline, right-click on the attachment and select open file in new window).

Grading Criteria


Submitting your file

  1. Access LearnOnline and login.
  2. Press Communication > Discussion Board
  3. Select the Flash Animation 1 forum.
  4. If you like, browse the other students messages and illustrations.
  5. Press Add a New Thread
  6. Subject: type one line to identify your posting
  7. Message: tell something about your posting. What were your experiences creating this project?
  8. Use the Browse button to select the location of your file. Select the file to be posted.
  9. Press Submit
  10. Check your work

©2020  by Gabriele Meiselwitz
Revision Date: 10/22/20 16:18