Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHEM 432 Tentative Syllabus Spring 1998 - Version 2
Text F. A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry A: Structure and
Mechanisms, 3rd Edition, Plenum Press, NY, 1990.
February: Dr. Rawn - Classical physical organic chemistry
- Transition state theory of reaction rates
- Linear free energy relationships
- Acid/base catalysis (Bronsted catalysis law)
March and April: Proposal
Dr. L. R. Ryzhkov - Less common intermediates
- Mar. 6: Excited states LRR
- Mar. 13: Radicals LRR
Chemical Education Meeting at Notre Dame College LMS
- Mar. 20: Radicals LRR
Sigma Xi Meeting LMS
- Mar. 27: Spring Break
- Apr. 3: Carbenes LRR
Dr. L. M. Sweeting - Organic chemistry in unusual media
- Apr. 10: Strong acids and bases: characterization of acids, acidity functions LMS
- Apr. 17: Stabilization of carbocations, reactions in concentrated acid LMS
- Apr. 24: Reactions in the gas phase - a window on solvent effects LMS
- May 1: Ethics Across the Curriculum LMS (no class)
- May 8: Reactions in solids - matrices and pure materials LMS
Last Update: Feb 24, 1998