Here are the tutoring schedules for Spring 2015:
Biology Tutoring Chemistry Tutoring Physics Tutoring
Here is similar information concerning tutoring in other areas in the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) at Towson University:
Spence Mathematics Tutoring Center located in Room 105 of the 7800 York Rd.
Study Aids for Chemistry
"Unless otherwise noted, all handouts and materials on this website were developed by Liina Ladon of the Chemistry Tutoring Center at Towson University. Permission is granted to use and duplicate these materials for non-profit educational use, under the following conditions: 1) No changes or modifications will be made without written permission from the author. 2) The user will acknowledge the source and copyright interests of the author by attaching the following statement: '© Copyright, 2001, L. Ladon. Used with permission.' and 3) 'Permission is granted to provide hyperlinks to this site, but not to individual handouts. Please notify owner by e-mail:"
Thank you for your cooperation. Liina Ladon
I am in the process of revamping the page. I will be supplying the
handouts as the Microsoft Word document version in addition to the the
original html format. I hope that the new Word version will be crisper,
more printable, and I've made just a few wording changes for clarity and
corrected some errors. As I finish each, you will see an additional link
for the Word version. Based on
feedback/requests, I will continue to add problem sets associated with each each
To all the freshmen out there....the transition from high school to college can be challenging! Here is a excellent comparison of how college is different from high school! Thank you to the learning center at SMU for providing this resource!
At the request and efforts of Bohdan Zograf, the Belorussian translation of this page is available.
General Chemistry
Chemical Equilibria This handout deals with qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemical equilibria.
Word document format
Problem set on chemical equilibria
Answer key to problem set
Anders Nielsen has put together a nice site on Chemical
Equilibrium. His site includes some practical applications of chemical equilibria. I highly recommend it as a resource.
Concentration Units: This handout deals with concentration units such as weight percent, molarity, molality, parts per million, and how to interconvert between these units.
Word document format
set on concentration units
Answer key to problem set
Empirical Formula: This handout deals with determining the empirical formula of a compound from the percentage composition and other types of experimental data.
Word document format
Problem set on empirical formulas
Answer key to problem set
Energy Calculations This handout deals with
energy calculations encountered in a freshman general chemistry class.
Word document format Here are some
practice problems for Hess' Law.
Answer key to problem set
Acid/Base Equilibria This handout deals with acid/base equilibrium calculations.
Word document format Problem set on acids and bases Answer key to problem set
Acid/Base “Toolbox” A compilation of useful equations used in acid/base calculations.
Writing the Formula of Inorganic Compounds This handout deals with how to write the formula of an inorganic compound from its name.
Word document format
Ideal and Real Gases This handout deals with the various ideal gas laws and the van der Waals real gas law.
Word document format
Problem set on gas laws
Answer key to problem set
Chemical Kinetics This handout deals with determining the rate law and the energy of activation from experimental data.
Word document format Here are
some practice problems for kinetics.
Drawing Lewis Structures This handout provides some helpful tips on drawing Lewis structures.
Limiting Reagent This handout deals specifically with how to do limiting reagent problems. The new Word document has an expanded, improved version of this handout.
Word document format Problem set on stoichiometry Answer key to problem set
Net Ionic Equations New and improved!! This handout deals with how to write net ionic equations.
Electrochemistry This handout deals with galvanic cells, cell potentials, and electrolysis.
Chemical Reactions This handout deals with different types of chemical reactions, how to recognize them, and how to predict products.
Suggestions for Studying General Chemistry This handout has some very useful study tips for general chemistry.
Dr. Crystal Yau, another friend and colleague at CCBC Catonsville, has graciously allowed me to include her handouts on this web page:
Rounding Off Numbers This handout deals with how to round off numbers using scientific notation.
When to Use Scientific Notation As the title implies, this handout deals with knowing when to use scientific notation.
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization of Carbon This handout reviews sp3,sp2 and sp hybridization of the carbon atom.
Organic Synthesis Strategies This handout provides insight on planning an organic synthesis.
Drawing Resonance Structures This handout deals with how to draw resonance structures.
Determination of R/S Configuration This handout has my unique method for assigning group priorities to determine the R/S configuration of optically active organic compounds.
Strategies for the Identification of an Unknown Organic Compound This handout provides strategies for identifying an organic compound from experimental data.
Determining Ortho, Meta and Para Substitution This handout provides an easy way to predict ortho, meta or para substitution on monosubstituted benzene rings.
Drawing Mechanisms This handout provides help in learning how to draw mechanisms.
Here are some other useful chemistry resources for teachers:
Concept Tests and Challenge Problems developed by our department. Due to differences in browsers, I can't guarantee you won't have to edit each page, but if the Universe is kind, you should be able to print these out for use on overhead projectors or use them with other multimedia formats. I am in the process of
converting these files to Adobe Acrobat files which should eliminate most formatting difficulties.
Concept Tests developed outside of our department.
Curious about what we do at Towson University for our introductory courses? Visit our
Introductory Chemistry Web site.
Here are the syllabi for courses I have taught:
CHEM132 General Chemistry II Fall 2013
CHEM131 General Chemistry I Summer 2013
CHEM132 General Chemistry II Summer 2013
CHEM110/111 General Chemistry I and II for Ner Israel Spring/Summer 2012
Professor William Reusch at Michigan State University has a nice organic chemistry site with drill problems for you to practice various organic concepts.
If you are looking for tutoring in just about any subject -- "accounting to zoology", go to and you probably will find a useful site!