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The History of Apple, Inc.


This website will follow an abbreviated chronological timeline that outlines major events from Apple’s history. Starting at the very beginning with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the website will show each major era of apple, who was in charge at the time, what major products were released, how much the company was worth, and any extra tidbits of information that would be relevant. The goal is to educate people on the history of the company without too much technical jargon, with a page that’s much more visually appealing, and language that’s easier to understand.

If you want to know more specific details from Apple's history, watch the videos linked throughout this website, or read about Apple on the web. Macworld has an excellent, in-depth explanation on their website.

Website designed by Josiah Shoger.

Images from Unsplash and Google Search.

Background image courtesy of Carles Rabada on Unsplash.