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Artist Gallery

Aperture : Slimmer of Light

October 1, 2022 — December 22, 2022


Aperture: Slimmer of Light will feature more than 45 photographs and works on paper made by 3 late photographers. The exhibit consists of prints from 3 artists, Francesca Woodman, Kevin Carter and Diane Arbus. These particular artists all suffered from depression that ultimately led to their suicides, but their amzaing photos and prints shine light on important issues and movements during the time of their life. The definition of aperture is “the opening in a photographic lens that admits the light “. This Exhibitions title is meant to show how these photographers took the dimming light that was inside of them and directed it towards their work and issues they felt needed highlighting.

francesca woodman

Each artist focused on aparicular issues or movemnt happening around them. Their work was often considered "taboo" since society disliked discusing the topics the photograpghers were capturing. Diane Arbus is known for her unrelenting direct photographs of people who are considered social deviates. She also portrayed “normal” people in a manner that exposed the cracks in their public masks. Kevin Carter had started to work as a weekend sports photographer in 1983. In 1984, he moved on to work for the Johannesburg Star, went on exposing the brutality of apartheid. Carter was the first to photograph a public "necklacing" execution by black Africans in South Africa in the mid-1980s.Francesca Woodman made her first mature photograph at the age of thirteen and created a body of work that has been critically acclaimed in the years since her death. She was seen as a feminist phtograpgher who captured nudes of the female body is a surrealism style.

Curated by Ja’Lyn Hicks, The Aperture Team Curator Team

~ copyright jalyn hicks ~