Thursday, September 17



Friday, September 18

Session 1. Friday, 9:00-10:30 -- Chaucer's Women 1

Chair: D. Thomas Hanks, Baylor University

1. "Daughters of Venus: Analysis of Chaucer's `Wykked Wives' and Their Attractiveness for the Modern Reader"

Kim Wells, Baylor University

2. "The Makings of Good Wives and Bad Wives: Chaucer's Griselda in the Late Medieval World"

Sarah Klein-Smith, Southwest Texas State University

3. "Let's Get Ready to Rumble: Nonor vs Love in The parliament of Fools"

Jeffrey Clayton, Baylor University


Session 2. Friday, 9:00-10:30 -- Oh No, Not Canon Law: Papal Law and its Influence

Chair: Donald Kagay, Albany State University

1. "Beyond Migne Or How I Gave Up Complaining and Started Collecting."

Bruce Brasington, West Texas A&M University

2. "The Papal Law and Malta's Liber Bulorum"

Theresa Vann, Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St. John's University


Session 3. Friday, 11:00-12:30 -- Spanish Literature


1. "Coded Messages in the Romancero: The Case of La infanta parida"

Beatriz Gómez Acuña, University of Texas

2. "Hernando del Castillo and the Cancionero General

Antonio Sanchez Jimenez, Pennsylvania State University

3. "Motives and Action: Inconsistencies in Montalvo's Amadís"

Matt Borden, University of Texas


Session 4. Friday, 11:00-12:30 -- Medieval Art and Image.


1. "Joseph of Arimathea and the Edessa Icon: Identifying the Holy Grail"

Daniel Scavone, University of Southern Indiana

2. "The Human Head in the Irish Romanesque Portal: Protection and Transformation"

Patricia Radford, Oklahoma State University


Session 5. Friday, 11:00-12:30. Chaucer's Women-2

Chair: Edwin Duncan, Towson State University

1. "Rough Love, Stabbing and Masculinity in the Canterbury Tales"

Tom Hanks, Baylor University

2. "Seductive Violence and Three Chaucerean Women"

Timothy D. O'Brien, U.S. Naval Academy

3. "Mulier est hominis confusio"

Judith Hurst, University of Texas, San Antonio


Session 6. Friday, 2:00-3:30 The Impact of Roman Law on Territorial Courts

Chair: Theresa M. Vann, Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St. John's University

1. "The Introduction of Western European Courts and Legal Procedures in Medieval Livonia"

Peter Rebane, Pennsylvania State University-Abington

2. "The Legal Blueprint of a Crusader Land: The Crown of Aragon"

Donald Kagay, Albany State University


Session 7. Friday, 2:00-3:30.Teaching Beowulf in the Twenty-First Century

Panel Discussion including:

Andrea Rossi Reder, Baylor University

Susan Morrison, Southwest Texas State University


Session 8. Friday, 2:00-3:30. Dante's Literary and Artistic Universe


1. "The Roman de la Rose and Dante's Comedy, A Case in Dante's Poetic Memory"

Alberto Gabrieli, New York University

2. "The Spiritual and Psychological Resolution of Fear in Dante's Commedia."

Sylvia Ruffo Fiore, University of South Florida

3. "An Essay on the Vita Nuova: Dante's Screens"

John Poch, University of North Texas



"Title to be Announced"

Collin Wells, Trinity University



Reception hosted by Trinity University


Saturday, September 19

Session 9. Saturday, 8:30-10:00. Medieval Music


1. "Hexachordal Analysis as a Key to Hildegard von Bingen's Compositional Process"

Sheila Forrester, Florida State University

2. "The Medieval Face in Music"

Brad Eden, NASA


Session 10. Saturday, 8:30-10:00. Teaching Beowulf in the Twenty-First Century - 2

Panel Discussion including:

Andrea Rossi Reder, Baylor University

Susan Morrison, Southwest Texas State University


Session 11. Saturday, 8:30-10:00 Spirituality -- Legal and Illegal


1.. "Liminal Mysticism: Hildegard von Bingen and Spirituality at the Edge"

Edward Iglesias, Texas A & M International University

2. "The Hand the Severs and the Severed Hand: Scriptural Evidence for the Mountain People's Defeat in Auverne"

Avital Heyman, Levinsky College of Education, Tel Aviv


Session 12. Saturday, 10:30-12:00.The Uncounted Order: Women in Continental Literature of the Middle Ages


1. "Dangerous Representations of the Female Body in the Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles"

David Fein, University of North Carolina

2. "The Werewolf and the Fairy: A Reconsideration of the Relationship between `Bisclavrtt' and `Lanval'"

Leah Larson, Our Lady of the Lake University


Session 13. Saturday, 10:30-12:00. Law and Academic Freedom

Chair: Bruce Brasington, West Texas A & M University

"The Poor Scholar vs the Able Debtor: Ploughing the Rough Ground of Due Process

Janice Gordon-Kelter, University of St. Thomas


Session 14. Saturday, 10:30-12:00. Literature and Drama of Early Modern England

Chair: D. Thomas Hanks, Jr. Baylor University

1. "Audience Participation in the Tudor Interlude"

James A. Moore, Angelo State University

2. "Cury uncleane": Feasting and Fracas in the Alliterative Morte Arthure"

Daryna McKeand, New York University


TEMA LUNCHEON -- 12:15-1:30

TEMA Business Meeting


"Title to be announced"

James R. King, Midwest State University



"The Great Frontier of the Middle Ages:

A Texas Contribution to the Conceptualizing

of the Middle Ages."

Charles R. Bowlus,

University of Arkansas, Little Rock


Session 15. Saturday, 2:45-4:15. France and England from the Thirteenth-Century Apex

Chair: James R. King, Midwest State University

1. "Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, 1257-1311: A Political Life"

Jeffrey Hamilton, Baylor University

2. "Bad King Saint Louis"

Sanford Zale, Millsaps College


Session 16. Saturday, 2:45-4:15. Philosophy and Pedagogy in a Medieval Setting


1. "Bonaventure and Voluntarism: The Augustinian Background of Bonaventure's Views on Virtue and the Will"

Michael P. Muth, Westminister College

2. "Ramus' Refutations of Quintilian: Are They Justified?"

Matt Varvel, Angelo State University

3. "...To Maken Vertu of Necessitee: The Knight's Misunderstanding of Boethius"

Larry Hunt, University Of Georgia


Session 17. Saturday, 2:15-4:15. Spirituality Real and Imagined in Early Medieval England and Scotland


1. "Milites Christi:and Spiritual Warfare in Early Anglo-Saxon England"

Kent Hare, Louisiana State University

2. "Noah, Abraham, Lot, and Exemplars of Spiritual Fearin the Middle English Ckeanness"

Eric J. Johnson, University of York

3. "From Man to Myth: An Examination of Written Sources in Jocelyn's Vita Kantegerni"

Cynthia Whiddon Green, University of Houston


Session 18. Saturday, 4:15-5:45 -- The Medieval Impact on Modern American Culture


1. "From Haymarket to Camelot: The Knights of Labor and Twain's Connecticut Yankee"

Andrew E. Mathis, New York University

2. "The Book of the Duke of True Lovers and Titanic"

Jennifer L. Kellogg, University of Georgia


Session 19. Saturday, 4:15-5:45 -- Technical Aspects of Chaucer's Poetry


1. "A Reexamination of Punctuation within Chaucer's General Prologue: A `Full Fresh and Newe' Reading of the Guildsman"

Andrew Spencer, Baylor University

2 "The Relative Nature of Linguistic Realism in the Canterbury Tales"

Eileen J. Krueger, University of San Antonio

3. "Chaucer and the Dialectics of Speech"

Lisa Thornhill, University of Texas



Reception hosted by the Texas Medieval Association
