English 425.001 - Chaucer
Spring 2009 - Edwin Duncan


Assignment: Write an original research paper relating in some way to one or more of the works of Geoffrey Chaucer. The topic must be selected no later than February 24 and approved by the instructor. Changes in topics must be approved by March 10. Several sources from both books and periodicals should be consulted, and at least some sources should be relatively recent, i.e., within the last decade or so.

Length: 1600-2200 words of text.

Due Date: The beginning of class on Tuesday, April 21.

Format: The submitted copy must be typed, double-spaced, on 8 1/2" x 11" typing paper. Margins for text should be approximately 1" on all sides. A cover sheet will not be necessary. Unless the sheets of the paper are fastened with a staple or paper clip in the top left-hand corner, one-third of a letter grade will be deducted from the overall paper grade. Do not put your completed paper in a folder or plastic cover, and do not include fly sheets (i.e. sheets with nothing on them).

Citations: Use the MLA (Modern Language Association) parenthetic documentation style for citations instead of endnotes or footnotes. Include a Works Cited sheet at the end of your paper. Details concerning MLA style can be found in The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (1984 or later) or in post-1985 handbooks of writing style—or by clicking here.

Late Papers: One letter grade will be deducted for each class meeting that the paper is late.

Plagiarism: Failure to document sources properly will definitely hurt your grade and could result in a grade of F for the course. See Towson's Student Academic Integrity Policy.

Click here for sample Research Topics from which research paper topics can be developed.

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