The one-line commands given below are for all listservers that refer to themselves as Listproc or Listserver (e.g., Hel-l, Arthurnet, and Oldnorsenet)--not Listserv. They allow you to communicate with the academic network's listserver (which is a program, not a person) so that you can set the options you want your account to have with the network. Remember to send your commands to the network's listserver address (not its regular mailing address) and to put nothing on the subject line.

SUB Listname Your Name        (Subscribes you to a list, i.e. an
(e.g. sub hel-l joe blow)          academic discussion group)

SIGNOFF Listname              (Unsubscribes you from a list, or
(e.g. signoff hel-l)               academic discussion group)

SET Listname                  (Gives you your current option 
(e.g. set hel-l)                   settings for that list)

SET Listname Mail Ack         (Sends you a copy of any message
(e.g. set hel-l mail ack)          you mail to the network)

SET Listname Mail Noack       (Posts your messages to the network
(e.g. set hel-l mail noack)        without notifying you)

SET Listname Mail Postpone    (Stops all network mail from coming
(e.g. set hel-l mail postpone)     to your account until further

SET Listname Mail Ack         (Resets all network mail to come to
(e.g. set hel-l mail ack)          your account)

SET Listname Conceal Yes      (Hides your name from review, i.e.,
(e.g. set hel-l conceal yes)       makes you an "unlisted" sub-

SET Listname Conceal No       (Unhides your name from review)
(e.g. set hel-l conceal no)

REVIEW Listname               (Sends you a list of subscribers
(e.g. review hel-l)                to the network)

For other listproc commands send to the following command: HELP