Instructions for Using the Glossarial Database of Middle English

To use the Glossarial Database, enter a Middle English word in the search blank (with the Middle English spelling), hit search, and the database will supply you with all the occurrences of that word in The Canterbury Tales. If the word occurs in the General Prologue, the GP followed by a number in the Cite column directs you to the lines with that word. Clicking on this citation provides you with the full line in which the word occurs. Other abbreviations are for tales: MilT is the Miller's Tale, MLT the Man of Law's Tale, NPT the Nun's Priest's Tale, and so on. The Anal. (Analysis) column contains the part of speech of the word for that citation, and the Lemma column shows the base form of the word. Thus, if you enter soote in the search blank, the Lemma column provides the base form, sote. This means that soote is a variant form of sote. (A search of sote reveals another variant, swoote.)