English 550.001 - Comparative Grammar
Edwin Duncan - Spring 2010
The oral report, along with the research paper, is a requirement
for graduate credit in English 550. Performance on the oral
report is not graded separately. Instead, it is figured into the
research paper grade to produce a combined result accounting for
20% of the course grade.
Using your own experience and information gathered for your
research report, present a ten- to fifteen-minute talk to our
grammar class on your research paper topic.
Visual Aids:
Since verbal presentations are more difficult to follow when they
are presented orally, a simple list of the main areas of your
discussion listed on a handout or the blackboard may be helpful to your
audience. Other visual aids, such as graphs, tables, charts, or
objects, may also be helpful if they apply to your subject. If
you need any audio-visual equipment for your presentation, please
let me know in advance.
Your Audience:
You'll be addressing a group of people who are not strangers.
All of them know you by sight, and many of them know you by name.
Without it altering the tone of your discussion or the
informative purpose of your presentation, keep this relationship
with your audience in mind, and act accordingly. Assume that
your audience will know little about your specialized area of
research. However, since many in your audience are current or
future teachers and all know something about grammar, assume that
they will be interested in what your have to say about your topic
and will also be sympathetic to you personally.