Type in Word. Work with a partner and submit ONE COPY per pair. Include the following at the top of your submission:


Partner 1:             Name ______________________________________________

role (driver or navigator) _____________________________


Partner 2:             Name ______________________________________________

role (driver or navigator)______________________________


Please note if one partner did not work on all problems:






#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


      char ans;

      int num;


      cout << endl << "Do you want to square a number?(y/n)" << endl; //1- START

      cin >> ans;//1 - START


      while ((ans == 'y')||(ans == 'Y'))  //2 - TEST


            cout << "Enter number to be squared: "<< endl; //3 - ACTION

            cin >> num; //3 - ACTION

            cout << "The square of " << num << " is " << num*num << endl; //3 - ACTION

            cout << endl << "Do you want to do another square?(y/n)" << endl;//4 - RESTART

            cin >> ans;//4 - RESTART



      return 0;




1.      Type in the above program as square.cpp. Add a comment to include your names and date. Compile and run with different values.

2.      Include a line that prints “Good Bye” before the program exits. This should only print once.

3.      What symbol does || stand for in C++?

4.      What happens if you answer  ‘z ‘ when asked if you want to square a number? Why? Summarize how the above loop works, for example

_____ and _____ cause the loop to continue, __________ causes the loop to end..

5.      Modify the program to change the || to &&. What is the result? Why? Change it back when you have answered the question.

6.      Comment out (put // at the front of each line) any lines that are labeled 1 or START. What happens (is there an error?)? Why? Restore the lines, or un-comment, by removing the //  after you have answered the question.

7.      Comment out the lines that are  labeled 4 or RESTART. What happens, why? Un-comment the lines after you have answered the question.





#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()



      int num;


      cout << endl << "Enter numbers, 999 to quit" << endl; //1 - START

      cin >> num;  //1 - START

      while (num != 999)      //2 - TEST


          cout << "Number entered is: " << num << endl; //3 - ACTION

          cout << "Enter numbers, 999 to quit" << endl; //4 - RESTART

          cin >> num;  //4 - RESTART


       return 0;


  1. Type in the above program, compile and run.
  2. Add the steps to total the numbers entered.
  3. Add the steps to count how many numbers were entered.
  4. Add the steps to compute the average.
  5. Test with values you know the answer to.
  6. Be sure and test when 999 is entered immediately, and make the appropriate correction to your code.