Math 275 Calculus III
Department of Mathematics
Towson University

Calculus III

Fall 2024

Instructor: Alexei Kolesnikov
Office: YR 230
Office hours: Mondays 3-4pm, Thursdays 2-3pm, or by appointment
Schedule: Class will meet Mondays and Wednesdays 12-1:50pm and on Fridays 1-1:50pm in YR 217

This is the third course in the Calculus series. The idea is to generalize the basic notions of Calculus (limits, derivatives, and integrals) to a multi-variable setting. We will start with the basics of 3D geometry (coordinate systems, vectors, operations on vectors, curves, etc.). Next we will learn the differentiation and integration for the multivariable functions; and finish by developing Calculus for vector-valued multivariable fuinctions.

TEXT APEX Calculus by Hartman et. al.. This is a free, open-source textbook; the link is provided in Blackboard.
CALCULATOR Graphing calculators will not be terribly useful in this course. Most of the computations and graphing is better done on a computer. You are encouraged to use Mathematica not just for the labs, but also to help visualize the 3-D objects.
GRADING There will be web-based homework, reading assignments, Mathematica labs, three in-class tests, and a comprehensive final examination. The higher mid-term test score will contribute 25% toward the final grade, the lowest score will count 10% and the middle score 15%. Web homework will count 10% in the final grade; reading checks and labs will count 5% each in the final grade; and the final will be 30%.
TEST DATES Test 1: September 25
Test 2: October 23
Test 3: November 20
Final:  Friday, December 13, 10:15am
WEB HOMEWORK The goal of web homework is to let you practice the routine exercises and give you an immediate feedback in case you are doing something wrong. A typical web homework assignment will have 7-8 problems.

Most of web homework assignments will be due on Fridays. Please try to resolve any questions you have with the assignment by Friday morning. Most likely, the last minute questions (after 4pm on Friday the assignment is due) will not be answered before the homework is graded.


The course will have reading assignments, including "read ahead" ones. Each of the reading assignments will be asessed as an in-text assignment.

MATHEMATICA LABS This is an important component of the course. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. You can get your own free copy of Mathematica (otherwise most legal copies cost more than $100). I recommend installing it on your own computer, if possible.
2. Towson Remote Desktop has Mathematica installed; you can access it from your computer without the need to install anything. The only downside is the sometimes slow interface (often, some patience is needed at start-up).
3. Labs usually will be due on Wednesdays at the start of the class. They need to be printed to PDF and submitted through Blackboard.

GETTING HELP This is a difficult course. However, there are many resources for you to get help.

Office Hours. I encourage you to come to my office hours (listed above) with questions you have in the course. If you are not able to come during these hours, I am available by appointment, just talk to me after the class or send an email.

Peer tutoring. The Math Tutoring Center does have tutors for our class (but not every tutor may be comfortable with the material). In addition, the Math Department has established peer-led sessions, called Prime Time, that will be happening daily in YR 307.

COURSE POLICIES Class attendance is expected. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the material and the homework assignment from your fellow students.

You should expect to spend a considerable amount of time working on this course outside of class. At the same time, try to be efficient. If you are spending a lot of time on homework or lab assignments without making much progress, talk to me.

You are expected to be familiar with TU's University's Academic Integrity Policy, especially the sections that define plagiarism, cheating and complicity (II.B-II.E) and describe the possible grade penalties (V.C). You are encouraged to work with other students in the course on homework assignments, but each student must submit their own version of the solutions.

Tests are to be written strictly individually, everyone caught cheating on any test will have his course grade decreased by one letter grade.

Normally, no make-up tests will be given; if for some reason you are not able to take a test, please, let me know as soon as possible.

Everyone participating in this course is expected to be respectful of each other without regard to race, class, linguistic background, religion, political beliefs, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, veteran's status, or physical ability. If you feel these expectations have not been met, please feel free to discuss it with me or with the designated diversity liaison Dr. Elizabeth Goode.

This course is in compliance with Towson University policies for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with TU ADS.

If you have questions or concerns about the course, be sure to discuss them with me during my office hours or by appointment.

OTHER IMPORTANT DATES Drop without W deadline: September 4
Fall break: October 25
Drop deadline: November 4
Thanksgiving break: November 27-30
Last day of classes: December 9