Math 273 Calculus I
Department of Mathematics
Towson University

Calculus I

Fall 2015

Instructor: Alexei Kolesnikov
Office: YR 325
Office phone: 410-704-3504
Office hours:    Mondays and Wednesdays 5pm to 7pm; or by appointment

Before the discovery of Calculus, knowledge of the physical science was, for the most part, a mere collection of non-structured observations. Calculus provided concepts necessary to describe physical phenomena by mathematical formulas and important tools to study their properties. In our course, we will introduce basic concepts of Calculus such as limits, derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals.

We will develop methods for application of those concepts to problems like curve sketching, related rates, linear and quadratic approximations, and maximum/minimum problems. This course will give you an opportunity to advance your quantitative, analytical, and problem-solving skills. Specifically, you will learn to recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside mathematics; to adapt and apply a variety of appropriate strategies to solve mathematical problems; to construct and evaluate logical arguments; and to organize and consolidate mathematical thinking through written and oral communication.

TEXTBOOK Calculus (Early Transcendentals), 8th Edition, James Stewart, Cengage. The textbook can be purchased as a hard copy; or an electronic book; or a combination of the two. Access to the text, in some form, will be needed for reading assignments, written homework, and reference. Please note that the homework problems change from one edition to the next, but the rest of the material stays mostly the same.

If you buy a hard copy only (no WebAssign), your web-based homeworks will be on WeBWorK, a free open-source system at Towson University.

If you choose to buy the e-textbook: it can be accessed only through WebAssign website. The class key on WebAssign is

towson 3606 0694
You have two weeks to purchase an access code that will give you continued access to the e-book for the duration of the semester and beyond, depending on which of the following three options you choose:
  1. You may purchase a WebAssign+E-book bundle ($92 at the University Store) that gives you e-book access ONLY to the chapters of the text for Math 273. This is the cheapest option for students who plan to take only Calculus 1.
  2. You may purchase a WebAssign+E-book bundle ($118 at the University Store) that gives you e-book access to all the chapters of the text. This is the cheapest option for students who plan to continue to Calculus 2 or 3.
  3. You may purchase a WebAssign+E-book+Loose-leaf bundle ($145 at the University Store) that gives you the same e-book access as (2) above, plus a loose-leaf printed version of the textbook.
All three are also available for purchase directly from the publisher at a slight discount ($79/$118/$132) at the following website.
CALCULATOR You will need a graphing calculator, such as TI-83, in class, for homework assignments, and exams. Various smart phones have apps that simulate graphing calculators; they are ok to use those during regular classes, but you will not be allowed to use them during the exams.
GRADING The weekly assignments will include written homework, web-based homework, and Mathematica labs. There will be three in-class tests, and a comprehensive final examination. The highest mid-term test score will contribute 20% toward the final grade, the lowest score will count 10%, and the middle score 15%. Quizzes, web homework, and labs will count 10% each in the final grade, and the final exam will be 25%.
TEST DATES Test 1: Wednesday, September 23
Test 2: Wednesday, October 14
Test 3: Wednesday, November 11
Final:  Tuesday, December 15, 3pm
WRITTEN HOMEWORK Written homework will be assigned weekly. It usually will be due on Wednesdays, at the beginning of the class. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to make your homework appear on my desk at the start of the class.
WEB HOMEWORK The goal of web homework is to let you practice the routine exercises and give you immediate feedback in case you are doing something wrong.

You have a choice which system to use: either the publisher provided WebAssign or WeBWorK. The problems will be similar, but not necessarily the same. A typical web homework assignment will have 7-8 problems. If you managed to solve all but one problem correctly, this will count as full credit for that assignment at the end of the course. Still, it is a good idea to work through all the problems. The links for web homework are posted on BlackBoard.

Most of web homework assignments will be due on Mondays. Please try to resolve any questions you have with the assignment by Monday morning. Most likely, the last minute questions will not be answered before the homework is graded.

MATHEMATICA LABS This is an important component of the course. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. You can get your own free copy of Mathematica from Towson (otherwise most legal copies cost more than $100). The installation instructions are given in the "Lab Assignments" area of the BlackBoard site for our course.
2. Mathematica labs themselves will also be available in the "Lab Assignments" area of the BlackBoard site.
3. Stephens Satellite Laboratory (YR 109) has computers with Mathematica installed and a printer you can use to print out your lab assignments (for free). To transfer data between your computer and TowsonU network, it is a good idea to have a USB stick ready.
4. Labs usually will be due on Thursdays at the start of the class.
5. Did I mention that the copy of Mathematica you can get from Towson U. is free?

COURSE POLICIES Class attendance is expected. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the material and the homework assignment from your fellow students.

You should expect to spend a considerable amount of time working on this course outside of class. At the same time, try to be efficient. If you are spending a lot of time on homework or lab assignments without making much progress, talk to me.

You are encouraged to discuss your homework and lab assignments with each other; however, solutions should be written down separately. You should not read anybody else's homework or lab or show your work to anybody else. Tests are to be written strictly individually. University's Academic Integrity Policy will be enforced; everyone caught cheating on any assignment will face a range of penalties, up to a failing grade in the course.

Normally, no make-up tests will be given; if for some reason you are not able to take a test, please, let me know as soon as possible.

If you have questions or concerns about the course, be sure to discuss them with me during my office hours or by appointment.

Everyone participating in this course is expected to be respectful of each other without regard to race, class, linguistic background, religion, political beliefs, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, veteran’s status, or physical ability. If you feel these expectations have not been met, please feel free to discuss it with me or with the designated diversity liaison Dr. Elizabeth Goode.

OTHER IMPORTANT DATES Drop without W deadline: Thursday, September 3
Thanksgiving break: November 25 - 29
Drop deadline: November 4
Last day of classes: Wednesday, December 9.