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Have imposter syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is the constant feeling of self-doubt with one's own efforts or skills. If you have a hard time believing in your personal/professional abilities, Revival can help you fix that.


A soothing, reflective, and insightful experience

The creation of Revival came from the willingness to find effective ways to combat imposter syndrome. Within the professional community, many people struggle with finding a sense of accomplishment and skill. Whether is be at the workplace, in the job hunt, at school, or even at home, imposter syndrome can play a huge role in how a person views themselves and their capabilities.

Created with empathy and user experience in mind, Revival is here to help you in those moments of self-doubt through the use of brief, accessible, and easy-to-use reflection modules. Each module targets a specific type of imposter syndrome, informs you on each, and guides you through personal reflection steps to reframe negative thoughts into positive ones. Give it a try!


The perfect resource for personal reflection


Each module walks you through every step of the reflection process for your personal experiences and thoughts. There are also modules for every type of imposter syndrome, each informing you on definitions and terms.


Daily reflection questions allow for greater engagement with the app (and allowing push notifications will remind you to engage in personal reflection). Alongside the main modules, there are also other questions that you can complete to further improve your mindset.


When compared to competitors, Revival is one of the only apps in the market that focuses on reframing thoughts to improve your mindset. Also, most apps have features that require payment or subscriptions to access. Revival is completely free, accessible, and simple to use.

Video clip provides preview of Revival in use


"A soothing, colorful experience"

-Jen Osfera, a recent grad

"Has helped me feel better about myself at work"

-Richard Blair, an associate worker

"Super pleasing to use and definitely life-changing"

-Michelle Pinella, undergrad student

Ready to start your journey?