kyoto hero image


The Kyoto Glow Collection

This photography collection, by creative director and photographer Xavier Portela, is meant to portray the vivid energy and light within Kyoto city. Xavier is known for photographing many famous cities such as Tokyo, Chicago, Hong Kong, Dubai and more. Despite visiting all these places, he says that Kyoto is his favorite location of all. With two visits, these are the photos that he collected while exploring the city. He named this photography collection Kyoto Glow.

first image
Man in car, Photo by Xavier Portella, 2022

second image
Red store, Photo by Xavier Portella, 2022

third image
Blue and red alley, Photo by Xavier Portella, 2022

fourth image
The intersection, Photo by Xavier Portella, 2022

fifth image
Curious store lady, Photo by Xavier Portella, 2022

sixth image
Store promotions, Photo by Xavier Portella, 2022